The coverage reports of a car magazine.

Rom Maker

Rom Tuning Parts

Digital Boot Controller

Accela 1-1
Accela 1-2
Accela 1-3
Accela 1-4
Accela 1-5
Accela 2
Accela 3
Accela E

HICAS Controller

TS-Dancer 1
TS-Dancer 2

Data Scan 1
Data Scan 2
Data Scan 3-1
Data Scan 3-2
Data Scan 4

Compound Meter

In-line Blower 1-1
In-line Blower 1-2
In-line Blower 1-3
In-line Blower 1-4
In-line Blower 1-5


Chip Max


Race-Technology Products

Appearance TV-ASAHI
Coverage cooperation NHK
Program work cooperation FUJI-TELEVISION

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